Today, thinly sliced beef was on sale for ¥298 for a pack of 440g! That's enough to feed both of us dinner and leave us sleepily full. The only problem was, a search for Yakiniku sauce only turned up a couple of results.

This is where learning Japanese comes in handy.

A search for yakiniku no tare (焼肉のたれ) brought us to this Japanese cooking site. More googling and image searching yielded our translation for this Yakiniku Sauce recipe:

  • Soy sauce - 100ml
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp
  • Roasted sesame seeds - 1 tbsp
  • Sesame oil - 1/2 tsp
  • Chile bean paste - 1/2 tsp
  • Minced garlic - 1 clove
  • Minced ginger - 1 piece about the same size as the garlic glove
  • Black pepper - pinch
  • Ishimi Togarishi ~ red pepper flakes- to taste

The instructions? Mix everything together and marinate meat in it. We marinated for about 30 minutes. There's also a note that says it seems like a lot of sugar, but the quantity seems to make the final result quite oishii. We agree.

Note: We made a couple modifications this time because of a lack of ingredients (we omitted the chile bean paste and ishimi togarishi), and our yakiniku still was very tasty. Perhaps we'll try to refine the recipe with more precise measurements in the future.

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